September 29, 2012

A Letter

At one point during the board exam review days, most of us were at the brink of emotional (and nervous) breakdown. The anticipation of what was going to come out and the result after the exam was gradually killing us. Because we were phone calls away from our families, my classmates/friends and I hold on to each other for emotional support. We perfectly knew how each one feels about the board exam, unlike our families and other friends outside the medical field who were also supportive but did not have an inkling as to the amount of pressure that was on us. My good friend Alvi, our class valedictorian and epitome of beauty, intelligence, patience, kindness and everything good in this world, wrote me a letter which really boosted my self-confidence. I was flattered beyond words and I couldn't thank her enough for that. Here goes. 

My dear friend Aisha,
        I have always admired you. You're a woman of faith. You're diligent and pious. I know you will be a great doctor in  your community in the future. And so let your dream of becoming one strive and push you more to work hard for your future patients. Personally, I have just yet realized that what I said when I was interviewed for the application in med school that being a doctor is to serve humanity, is indeed service.  And in service, there are sacrifices. This review for the board exam is one of those; it's one step, it's one of those mountains we have to climb. Many times we feel that in every step we take is so hard, so painful that we think of giving up. However we do not realize that if we will just be faithful, that another step is already the finish line. So be joyful, be glad; rejoice on hardships, in difficulties, for like gold, we are being purified by the trials of life; impurities are removed and in the end is that shiny, precious, pure gold. One that is treasured, one that is perfect. In everything you do, do your best for God deserves nothing less. Give it all. Life is too beautiful to waste it on the miseries of this world or the sadness of this world. And in your preparation, couple it with prayer. For it is said to WORK and PRAY. Pray hard. Pray constantly. Pray at all times. When you're sad, pray. When you're about to give up, pray. Then God will renew you, He will give you grace and hope. And so run in such a way as to get your prize. Do not run aimlessly, run with all your might, angels are there cheering for you. We can all do this. Though time has not let us come together for words of hope, but my prayers are with you and the rest of our batch. 
Just keep it up. Never give up.
God bless.

It was so dramatic because she left the folded letter on to my study table and I got teary-eyed after I read it. Haha! Alhamdulillah, our prayers were answered and all of us passed the board exam. I wish our class all the best, good luck to us as we embark on a brand new journey! :) Cheers to the Class 2011!


BabyPink said...

Congrats, congrats! Words are never enough for me to express how proud I am of you! Loveyah, my precious! :)

Aziza said...

Thank you so much, my precious! People like you are truly an inspiration for me. Love you too! :D