August 28, 2011

I sat down and opened Ciara (this lappy) with a concrete theme on my mind to write. I started typing the first word, paused, heaved a deep sigh, and slowly pressed backspace. I made my brain work. I think again. Again and again.The subject flees my mind. I have nothing to write.

I tried typing a sentence followed by another sentence supporting the former. But I cannot make a conclusion. Ctrl+A, then delete. I have nothing to write.

I stared at the blank page, the cursor blinking at me. I contemplate. I muse. I ponder. Every single minute. 

What will I do next? What is the meaning of this or that? What will happen next? Will I be happy with it?
What is happiness? Is this happiness?

Love. It continues to elude me. What is it? How it is to be loved or to love?

I decided not to write about something I know not.

What I know is…hunger.

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