February 20, 2012

A Hearty Prayer

I swear I do not know how to start the forewords for this entry because I feel so shy about actually putting this into writing. Fine. So, I wrote a letter to God. These are the words that were sitting silently in my head but were uttered with difficulty by the tongue. Since He is Omnipotent, the All-Seer, the All-Hearing, I know He recognizes my unsaid prayers. This was inspired by the people who painted the town red during Valentines Day. Thanks to them, I got reminded how lurve has been elusive to someone like me. I hate musing about the state of my hearty flakes. I am so contented with this extended adolescence and having plain crushes, but I keep a secret prayer which is to be divulged now. Oh well. Here goes. 

Dear God,

I pray that You guide my heart to the right person, the one who will be courageous enough to wall off this coldness that envelopes me, the one who will help me strengthen my faith in You, the one who will fill the puzzle of my being, the one with whom I will share my happiness and all the success I will have to acquire while we wander in Your beautiful earth. 

Please guide me to the person who will cherish, love, honor and respect my parents and my siblings as much or even more than what he shows me. The one who will value and love me unconditionally. Inshaa Allah, we will bring out the best in each other.  Ya Allah, please guide my heart to the person who will never do anything that will break my heart and that of my parents'. 

Ya Allah, please spare me from loving someone who will only bring misery to me and my family. I pray that whoever You choose to be my future better-half would be someone that my parents and I also desire. If this person will only bring me misery then please take back all my feelings. I'd rather live with a stale heart than cause havoc in my most prized possession---my family. 

However, if this person will prove that he is worth his salt then allow our fate to meet at the soonest appointed time. I know You've been designing all of these in perfect manner for the past 26 years of my life, Inshaa Allah this person will emerge in the perfect moment perhaps near to what I have imagined. Only You can fashion a love so excellently that can be hindered by no one. Hence, I leave it all up to Your care. 

Please guide our hearts as all of these shall become futile without Your Holy Guidance. 
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent. 

You, what's your prayer? :)

1 comment:

Aya said...

ameen. i share the same sentiments doc... it's a grace from God really, to be able to include the rest of our loved ones, in considering our love life. i don't agree with what the world preaches, that love is blind or we should follow the heart no matter what because after all, it's just between you and the guy. the truth of the matter is, finding a better half is a community project. what you have will soon become his and vice versa. it's also my prayer that God will spare me from false feelings. although it's tough and may take some time, it can be done. i'd rather remain a single lady (huhuhu, God forbid, hahaha) than to be broken eventually because i followed my stupid heart to fall for some stupid guy. God bless us.