March 15, 2012

That Perfect Day

We were having minor chit-chats with the residents and the clerk while doing excisional biopsy at the OPD-OR this morning. This junior resident told us that by default, he went to ORL (otorhinolaryngology, aka ENT for ears, nose and throat) for residency because his dad and his grandfather were ENTs themselves. In addition to that, he was told that in choosing for residency program, you should put yourself in your perfect day. Not really perfect, but the the kind of day you can live over and over again for the rest of your life. The kind of day that makes you happy that you want to re-live when your hair turned pepper and salt. If you imagine yourself in that situation and you believe you won't get fed up by the routine, then go for it. 

As I was holding the retractors, my mind flew ten years forward. A perfect day for me would comprise of waking up early in the morning, preparing breakfast for my hubby and the kids after Fajr prayer. That would also include preparing hubby for work (whatever he does) and my grade-schoolers to school. I would be left with the household maid doing her chores while I go for a few-minute jog and then I will prepare myself for the morning rounds of my patients. That will take around an hour or two. I will then head to my clinic to see well-babies or follow-up check ups. By noontime, hubby will arrive for our daily lunchdate. Nyahahaha! I'm actually laughing right now. A lunchdate is a must, okay? Alright, clinic will continue in the afternoon where I will probably be reading a good book in-between patients. I will probably have coffee date with my friends after clinic and get back home before sunset. At night, I will be helping my kids with their school stuff while hubby watches the news. Weekends will be spent at my parents' home where weekly reunion with my siblings and their respective families will be a part of our routine. (I will impose that to my siblings. Haha!)

I'm contemplating on the residency program I will have to pursue in order to attain my would-be Perfect Day. My God, all I want is a simple and contented life. A balanced life between family and career. When I achieve that, that would be the real meaning of success. :) 

You, how do you picture out your perfect day?  

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