September 19, 2012

What Now, Doc?

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem.

First and foremost, I'd like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my mentors from MSU-College of Medicine and to the residents and consultants of the Philippine General Hospital, without their teachings, we wouldn't be where we are today. I am forever thankful to my parents and siblings for the support and for the spiritual guidance, from whom I am getting all the strength and courage to fight life's battles. I'd like to thank everyone who offered prayers, my aunts, uncles and cousins, my classmates, and their parents and all our friends who wished us well during and after the physician licensure exam. 

Indeed, we are now full-fledged physicians. Alhamdulillah. All praises belong to Allah, the Master of the universe, without the knowledge and wisdom that He bestowed, without His help, we are nothing. 

Alhamdulillah, I am now at the peak of my dream. After four years of med school and one year of internship, all those hard work and sacrifices, we are now granted the privilege to practice as physicians. I cannot put into words what I have been through all those years, what I wrote in this blog about my experiences while learning the craft haven't even reached one-sixteenth of the whole thing. During the review days, I literally locked myself inside the boarding house doing nothing but to study. Every single minute counts, there was no room to waste time. During those days, I never opted to fail. Although the possibility of failure never skipped to linger and somehow I made myself ready for it, I never let it overpower my courage to pass the board exam. Alhamdulillah, everything paid off. :)

However it may seem over, but no, this is the just the beginning of our dream. It's still a long road ahead of us, a long road of practicing the craft and being the best at it. Most of us are now at another forked road of choosing what specialty to undergo, the field that suits us best. But for us with scholarships, we have no choice but to return our service for 2 years as community doctors. I have seen multitude of advantages in going into this field before I proceed to my residency training. Aside from giving back to the community and rendering my service, I will have the whole two years of spending my time with my family and do the things I love----reading, writing and hopefully earning to travel. :) 

For someone like me, life begins NOW and I'm so excited to start the adventure!!!

The Espiritu Place, East Fairview, Quezon City.
This was supposed to be a kitchen but we decided to make it our study area. Looks more like a war zone.

 #1307. Subhanallah 

I'm so proud of my school!! In spite of our lack of faculty members and lack of facilities, our school has maintained the standard that it is aiming for. We placed FIFTH outstanding school based on board passing rate for the past five years. How much more if our university provides us with the necessary facilities? Let's aim for the TOP MSUans! :)

MD Oathtaking. L-R:  Mama, Aunt Fatima and  Papa. My Aunt Fatima is like my second mother here in the metro. Thanks for all the support and love! :)

Post-oathtaking dinner. Banana Leaf, Robinson's Ermita.
Thanks family and friends for coming! :)


To that special someone whose presence has been there the whole time I was grilling myself at the review center, thank you for encouraging me and pushing me to do my best. You know how scared I was, but with your kind words, you have triggered my confidence to the topmost level. Thank you so much! :)  

1 comment:

BabyPink said...

Grabe! Ko kadakel bes a med students a UST, owm? Sobra dowanggibo sa time iyo bo. Miyamakala a mata aken on! :O!