October 29, 2015

Thoughts About Motherhood

When you haven't had a baby yet, it is very easy to put little value to what our parents, especially our mothers, have done for us. It is very easy to reduce all their hardworks and efforts to keep us thriving since the day we were born as a mere "responsibility". When they recount the difficulties they encountered in raising us, we hear blah-blahs floating in the air without painting the real picture in our minds. I heard some people argue against their parents on the basis that they didn't choose to be born in this world. What they didn't realize is that our parents are not only doing the things they do for us out of responsibility but out of unconditional love. The kind of love that they didn't thought of, but one that is born out of instinct. When our parents decided to keep us, it comes with shouldering the responsibility to raise us as moral beings. 

Me and my new BFF (2 months old).  

That is exactly how I feel for my daughter. I want to give her all the best in this world not only because it is my God-given responsibility but out of maternal instinct that is love. I prayed to have my own children even before praying to meet the man that would be their father. Therefore I cannot put into words the emotions when I learned that I was pregnant, much more when I already have her in my arms. I often caught myself staring at her when she's sleeping and responding to her babbles as if we're in the middle of a conversation. I usually imagine our future exchange of thoughts and opinions and the many places we would travel as a family. She would be our future best friend, our confidante, our travel buddy and our future care taker when her father and I gets old. She is my daughter and the world would be her playground. In shaa Allah. 

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