August 31, 2022

Decade Old MD

 I've been quite down these past few days, that occasional wave of sadness that comes and goes. Sometimes it clings for quite a bit. When you're immersed in that emotion, it's difficult to see the bright side. No matter how I try. 

Lately, I have been feeling unaccomplished. Trapped. Stagnant. I have a strong urge to reclaim my career. I feel that as time goes by, everything I know in the medical field will slowly fade away bringing me back to square one. I wouldn't want that.

Ten years ago today, I passed the Physicians Licensure Exam (PLE). It was the peak of joy and a feeling of success for my then 26-year old self. Today, as I reflect on the past ten years, a glimmer of gratitude came down on me. 

In the last decade, I served my hometown as a community doctor, I obtained my master's degree (MPM Major in Health Systems and Development), I finished Family Medicine residency and now a diplomate in that field, I married the best guy for me, I have housewife stints (on the second phase as of the moment), I have three beautiful daughters, I am healthy, my loved ones are healthy. Alhamdulillah.

That's more than enough to bring back the smile on my face. Allah swt is the Most Merciful. He is good, all the time. 

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