March 12, 2011

Studying Blues

I frequently get that sudden spur of cleaning up my room or re-arranging my bookshelf whenever my brain is at the peak of understanding a medical concept. While I was reviewing the other night for our OSCE, my peripheral vision caught my topsy-turvy bookshelf and my mind suddenly went berserk to arrange my books. 

Welcome to my little treasure---what I have accumulated for four years.

Aside from my med books...

I also have here few of my fiction books, I piled most of 'em at our MSU home.  

These are among my favorites: Paolo Coelho's The Zahir; Haruki Murakami's Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman and Norwegian Wood; Khaled Hosseini's A Thousand Splendid Suns; Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love; and Ricky Lee's Para kay B. 

This is the mug I got from two-years ago's Association of Philippine Medical Colleges annual convention after an impromptu speaking engagement before medical schools faculty representatives. It was an unforgettable one. 

I keep picture of my loved ones to inspire me everyday. I have here photo with my parents, my boyfriend (I can see people scoffing!!) and Eiffel Tower. :)

A souvenir photo from somewhere I recently conquered: Dahilayan, Bukidnon.

My bookshelf is also where I hang the closest thing to me for the past year of clerkship: my stethoscope with the rasta doll Jordan gave me from his Thailand summer vacaye.  

On the lateral side of the shelf is where I hang a simple organizer of my little accessories collection. 

And after a few minutes of dusting, sneezing and arranging books according to size... ta da... this is the most I can do. LOL. I'm not OC. Obviously. 

After seeing a good smile of my books, I can then go back to the  page where I left off. :)

1 comment:

Dee said...

Haha! I hear ya! I get the crazy tendency to arrange and re-arrange the books in my shelf too in the middle of studying. Now, I've separated law and fiction books into two shelves. Haha. The other fiction books that won't fit in the shelves are stored in storage stools and some pocketbooks are in my sister's shelf. I don't get to read fiction much so I guess getting to hold them and rearrange them once in a while is my way of showing that I still love 'em. Haha!