March 11, 2011

Count Your Blessings

How often do we get entirely wrapped by our own selfish wants and desires that we totally forget we are not the only person living in this planet? That there are other existing people who are equally struggling to get by their everyday lives? That there are people who are a lot miserable than us? That millions on the other side of this planet are in a far worse state than us?

Life is too short to trouble ourselves on things that we hold no control of. Everyone among us has our fair share of frustrations, failures and self-doubt. It's a matter of perspective, whether you deal with the brighter side or slowly kill yourself thinking of what-must-have-beens and sulking in a little corner until you gradually lose yourself. Our lives are intertwined and written in a complex blueprint that everything---including the microsecond intervals of time---occur for a significant purpose. We are but humans to fully comprehend these reasons behind everything, however, choices are laid before us and it's up to us how we play our cards right. We go with the flow and do what is feasible. The important thing is we did our best according to our capacity.

I cannot blame the people who got caught up with too much busyness, in school or work, that they lose in touch with the world and of themselves. They forgot to reflect and pay gratitude to The One Above who has blessed them so much and yet. They neglected those who actually cares. They are too focused to reach the top they missed all the beautiful things along the way. I cannot blame them for once upon a time, I was also one of them. But I was optimistic enough to chase what I can still do about my disappointments after I realized that crying my eyeballs out cannot change the situation, not even a single degree. That was the time I sought His Mercy. When you're in a verge of depression you try to solve all your problems by yourself forgetting that there is God who can strengthen and open your heart to accept the harshness of reality. Remember, He is Oft-Forgiving, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. Seek Him and InshaAllah, He will come to the rescue. 

Let us not concern ourselves too much about not being on the class Top 5 to the point of threatening to boycott the graduation rites when there are people who didn't even qualify to enter med school, that some got flunked and kicked out of med school, that some has to stop schooling due to financial constraints, that some has to stop schooling due to health problems, that people in Africa are dying of AIDS and hunger, that the Middle East is gradually tearing down, that millions of OFWs who have families to feed are now jobless, that people died of earthquake in New Zealand and as of writing time, Japan got hit by 8.something magnitude earthquake followed by a 23-feet tsunami! Whoo! I don't know where this is going but the world is in absolute chaos and just be grateful that you're on the safer side of the earth. That your personal problems are not even one-thirteenth of an atom to the suffering of others.

I hope people realize how blessed they actually are. I really do hope. 

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