March 8, 2011

Bilbil versus Pelvic Mass

It's terrifying how some simple jokes can lead to some grave bugaboo. It all started as an endless teasing of who's-got-bigger-tummy kind of joke. Abby, my classmate who has a noticeable bulging hypogastric area once touched my flabby abdomen and compared the consistency with hers. She, who has a slender body type is not expected to have a tummy quite as big as the fat girl that I am. We continued to tease her about doing Leopold's exam on her or monitoring a heart beat on her tummy. She jovially rode on our silly jokes but behind her laughs were waves of worrying thoughts as she sensed that a hard tummy, incomparable to that of a fat and flabby abdomen, means something must be growing inside. Definitely not a human being. Albeit asymptomatic, she went for consult. Ultrasound was done and she was found to have an ovarian mass.  Transrectal ultrasound was done this afternoon (and yes, Sheng and I were there!) and it was found out that her left ovary is already multilocular and has crossed near the midline, slightly compressing on the uterus. Thank God, the right ovary is intact with normal size follicles. Elective surgery will be done hopefully after clerkship before graduation. We are all praying for a successful operation and sana unilateral oophorectomy lang because we want to see little Abbies and little Enkels!! (our class nicknamed her boyfriend Enkel!) 

Captured and posted with permission from the patient (who is still in her uniform!).

*I don't know if it's only me but there is a peculiarly odd feeling when the patient is someone close to me. 

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